Having an open house is a great way to find potential buyers and maybe even expand your referral network. If you’re planning to have one soon, save these open house follow-up scripts for WhatsApp. These templates can help you convert more people!
While you’re busy ensuring everything goes smoothly during your open house, you should also prepare for what comes after the event – where the real sales work begins.
This is the time when your follow-ups may determine whether your prospects decide to move ahead with you, whether it’s buying or listing a property with you.
Since you’ll be talking to many people with varying interests at the open house, here are 5 follow-up scripts that serve different purposes. Send them via WhatsApp or any of your preferred messaging apps!
💡Pro-tip: Click the “Personalise this template” button to save the follow-up directly to your Privyr app. Use Privyr to quickly personalise and send follow-ups to your leads and clients via WhatsApp, iMessage, SMS, and more.
Don’t have a Privyr account yet? Create one for free here.
Open House Follow-Up #1: Thank you for attending!
Send this message to thank people for attending your open house. Ideally, you should send this on the same day the open house takes place, to leave a better, stronger impression.
"Hi Alex, thanks for coming to my open house at Lake Gardens Bungalows! 🏡 I hope you enjoyed the tour.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have further questions about the place.
I’m here to help you find your ideal home, whether it’s in Lake Gardens or somewhere else.
Send me a thumbs up 👍 if you want me to send you more details about our listings.
- Jason, ACME Realty
P.S. Follow me on Instagram @jasonluxeproperties to view all my listings ⭐ Something might catch your eye there!"

Open House Follow-Up #2: Convince hot leads
Use this script for people who showed deep interest during the open house. Maybe they really liked the property layout, or they were really engaged and asked a lot of questions.
Send them this follow-up to convince them to take their next step with you, such as a going on more personal tour. It’s even more effective if you personalise the message with details about their preferences.
"Hi Max, it was nice meeting you and your wife today at the Lake Gardens open house!
If you want, I can give you a more personalised tour of the Lake Gardens area so you can get a better feel of the neighbourhood, the facilities, and some nearby schools you can consider for your kids when they’re older.
You can also take a second look at the Lake Gardens house – without all the crowd this time.
Would you be free next week?
- Jason, ACME Realty"

To keep the conversation going after successfully booking your next meet-up with them, do save this 5-step message sequence for leads who booked a house viewing.
Open House Follow-Up #3: Personalised recommendations
Some people you meet at the open house might be in the market for something else, and they might even share their preferences with you.
Use this follow-up text message to get them interested in other listings you have.
"Hi Sandra, really happy to see you at the Lake Gardens open house today! The stories you shared about your financial planning job were really amusing. 😆
You mentioned that you’re not 100% sold on the Lake Gardens bungalow because it’s a little over your $1.7 million budget, plus you prefer to stay somewhere closer to the daughter’s school.
I have more listings that fit your criteria, and one of them is just a 5-min drive away from Culpepper International School.
May I send you more info here?
- Jason, ACME Realty"

💡 Pro-tip: Pay attention to what they say during the open house, take notes if you can, and use these details to personalise the message above.
Open House Follow-Up #4: Let’s grab coffee?
Didn’t have the time to get to know everyone who showed up to your open house? Send this follow-up to keep the conversation going with a coffee meet-up.
"Hi Melissa, thank you for coming to my Lake Gardens Bungalows Open House last week! 🙌
We didn’t have a lot of time to talk that day because of the crowd, but I’d love to hear more about your property requirements, preferences, budget etc.
I know that you’re looking for a property in the Edenbrook area, and I want to help you narrow down your choices to a few homes that you’ll absolutely love.
If you’d like, we can grab coffee near your place this week? Let me know which day you prefer.
- Shannon, ACME Realty"

Open House Follow-Up #5: Re-engage cold leads
Send this open house follow-up message on WhatsApp to leads you haven’t spoken to in a long time.
Maybe you lost contact because they weren’t interested or ready to buy at that time. Either way, a quick follow-up can only help! You might even discover that they’re more prepared to talk this time and strike a deal.
And remember, the longer it has been since your last interaction with them, the more personalised your follow-up should be.
"Hi Thomas, it’s been a while since we last met at the Lake Gardens open house last year.
I remembered that you were looking for a bungalow with a spacious backyard for your kids, ideally in the Golden Triangle area so you can be closer to your workplace.
If you’re still looking for a place like this, I have a couple of new listings that fit your criteria perfectly.
May I send you more information for them?
- Jason, ACME Realty"

For more follow-up ideas, check out our post on how to promote new listings to old leads.
Want to get even better at re-engaging leads? Here’s everything you need to know about reconnecting with leads you haven’t spoken to in months (or years!).
An open house is always a great way to capture new leads, discover their preferences, and build long-term relationships.
Remember that having the open house is just step one. Step two is following up with the right message (and doing so consistently) to encourage people to take action.
And the best part? There are so many ways you can follow up with your open house attendees, even if they’re not particularly interested in the property they visited.
You just need the right conversation starters – like the open house follow-up text messages we shared in this post – saved in your phone and ready to send.
With an app like Privyr, it’s easy to import, customise, and send follow-ups via WhatsApp, iMessage, SMS, and more in seconds. Track and nurture all your leads with automatic follow-up reminders and auto-personalised messages for every touchpoint.