If you have been generating leads for your business on social media, you’re probably aware of Facebook. It’s a great platform for lead generation with a huge user base. But have you considered TikTok yet? 

TikTok has recently emerged as a new player in the social media space, offering a unique and engaging way for businesses to connect with potential customers. But is it better than Facebook? 

Before jumping into any conclusion, you should note that each platform has its own advantages and disadvantages when it comes to generating leads, and you must understand these differences in order to choose the right platform for your goals and target audience. 

In this post, we’ll explore the key strategies and best practices for Facebook and TikTok lead generation, as well as the benefits of integrating the two platforms for a comprehensive and effective lead generation strategy. 

Table of Contents
A brief guide to TikTok Lead Generation
A brief guide to Facebook Lead Generation
Comparison of Facebook vs. TikTok Lead Generation
Factors to consider when choosing a platform for lead generation

A brief guide to TikTok Lead Generation

TikTok is a video-sharing app that allows users to create and share short-form videos. With over 1.7 billion active users worldwide, it can be an excellent platform for your business to reach and engage with your audience. The app allows you to generate leads for your business organically and through lead generation ads. 

More interestingly, Tiktok has even established itself as a search engine in a short period of time. As a result, you can now run search ads on TikTok. Here are some benefits of the platform: 

  • Large and engaged user base: TikTok’s user base is not only huge, it’s also primarily made up of Gen Z and Millennials. This demographic is rarely found to be this engaged on other social platforms. You have a great chance to target a unique audience. 
  • Powerful algorithm: TikTok’s algorithm is designed to promote content that is engaging and entertaining to the user, making it easier for businesses to reach a wider audience.
  • Potential for viral content: TikTok’s unique features, such as challenges and duets, can help businesses create content that has the potential to go viral and generate massive amounts of leads, even if you don’t have a large following.

How to generate leads on TikTok

You can basically generate leads on TikTok in two ways: Organically and through paid mediums. You can choose to generate leads on the platform depending on how you want to grow your brand. Or you can use the both simultaneously for the best results. 

One great thing about TikTok is that there’s still relatively less competition on the platform as many businesses are yet to leverage the platform.

Organic TikTok Lead Generation 

While growing organically takes time and effort, it is more sustainable in the long run. To generate leads on TikTok organically, you first need to create your business profile and optimise it. This includes choosing a relevant username and profile picture, writing a compelling bio that highlights your business’s unique features, and adding links to the company’s website or other social media profiles.

After creating your account, you can begin creating content that resonates with your target audience. The content should be entertaining, informative, and shareable, with a clear call to action that encourages viewers to engage with the business. You can use popular TikTok trends and hashtags to increase the visibility of your content and reach new audiences. TikTok monitoring can also help you achieve this by allowing you to track mentions and brand engagement.

Paid TikTok Lead Generation

Paid lead generation methods on TikTok allow you to generate leads faster. They can be highly effective if you’re running targeted campaigns. There are basically two ways you can pay to generate leads by: 1. By running paid ads, and 2. By paying influencers to promote your products and services. 

TikTok allows you to run many types of ads, including Lead Generation Ads which is specifically designed for generating leads. Lead Generation Ads on TikTok allow you to target your audience precisely. The second method to generate leads through paid methods is by paying influencers to promote your product and services. TikTok is a platform hugely shaped by influencers, and it’s quite easy to find an influencer who is relevant to your industry. It can be a bit more expensive than paid ads but can be highly effective if planned properly.   

👉 Check this article out for a beginner’s guide to generating lead on TikTok

A brief guide to Facebook Lead Generation

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world with almost 3 billion users. It allows users to connect with friends and family, as well as follow and engage with brands and businesses. Here are some benefits of Facebook you may want to take a look at: 

  • Large user base: Facebook has over 2.8 billion active users worldwide. You have an excellent opportunity to connect with many of your potential customers.
  • Advanced targeting options: Facebook’s advanced targeting options allow businesses to reach their ideal audience based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and more.
  • Established advertising platform: Facebook’s advertising platform is well-established, with a variety of ad formats and campaign objectives to choose from. Facebook Ads also show up on Instagram, Messenger, Mobile & desktop, stories – all of which you can manage from one place. There are a lot of options you can choose from.

How to generate leads on Facebook

Facebook presents an excellent opportunity for your business to generate leads. Similar to TikTok, there are two ways to generate leads on Facebook: organically and through paid methods. To generate leads on Facebook, you must first identify your target audience. Once a target audience is identified, you can create engaging content and run targeted ads to reach them. It’s crucial to keep the content fresh, relevant, and engaging to keep people interested. Consistency is key in generating leads through organic content, while paid advertising can help a business achieve a specific goal quickly.

Organic lead generation on Facebook requires effort and patience, but it is the best way to build your brand in the long run. Though it doesn’t require much investment, it may take time and effort to establish. You can generate organic leads on Facebook by publishing regular posts targeted at your potential customers. Make sure you experiment with different types of posts, ranging from educational content and product updates to special offers and engaging content. 

Paid advertising, on the other hand, is effective for campaigns that require immediate results, such as seasonal promotions. Facebook offers lead generation ads that allow businesses to collect contact information from potential customers. With Facebook Lead Ads, you can create a form that appears within the ad, making it easy for users to fill out the information and become leads. It’s important to note that paid advertising on Facebook requires investment, but you can see the results almost immediately.

👉 Here’s your complete guide to creating a perfect Facebook Lead Ads form with 10 industry examples

Comparison of Facebook vs. TikTok Lead Generation

Let’s discuss some pros and cons of both platforms. 

TikTok Pros 

Large and engaged user base: With over 1.7 billion monthly active users, TikTok offers a massive audience for businesses. Moreover, TikTok’s algorithm is designed to show users content that they are most likely to engage with, making it easier for businesses to reach their ideal audiences.

Potential for viral content: TikTok’s unique video format, coupled with its algorithm, makes it easier for content to go viral on the platform. This means you have a higher chance of reaching a larger audience without spending too much on advertising.

Less competition: Since it’s a relatively newer platform, many businesses are yet to explore it. This means, you are likely to face less competition on TikTok than on other social media platforms that have been around for a while.  

TikTok Cons  

Limited targeting options: Unlike platforms like Facebook, TikTok doesn’t offer as many options for businesses to target specific group of people. This can make it challenging for businesses that want to reach a specific audience. For example, if you’re selling medical equipment to doctors, it may be challenging to target that specific audience on TikTok.

User base that doesn’t cover all demographics: Most of TikTok’s users are from a younger demographic. Therefore, if you are looking to target older demographics, it might not be the best choice. For instance, if you sell home improvement products for people over the age of 50, you may have a hard time finding your leads on TikTok.

Limited global reach: TikTok is banned in some countries, so if your target audience is spread out globally, you may not be able to reach many of them through TikTok.

Privacy Concerns: There has been growing criticisms of how TikTok handles data, with some speculations even suggesting that the platform allegedly shares biometric identifiers with governments. As a result, some people are reluctant to share their personal information or engage with businesses on the platform.

Facebook Pros 

Huge user base: Facebook has a large user base of over 2.8 billion people, making it an excellent platform to reach a vast audience. It presents an opportunity for your business to connect with many of your potential customers.

Several advertising options: Facebook provides businesses with several advertising options that allow them to target specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. This feature makes Facebook an effective platform for you to generate quality leads.

Powerful algorithm: Facebook’s algorithm is powerful and can help you generate leads by promoting your content to the right people. 

Multiple supporting platforms: You can run Facebook Lead Ads on various platforms under Meta corporation, including Instagram and Messenger. This makes targeting easier and wider.  

Facebook Cons

Declining engagement: Over the years, there has been a decline in the organic reach of business pages on Facebook, meaning fewer people are likely to see your posts. This can make it more challenging to reach potential leads organically.

High Level of Competition: More than 200 million businesses are active on Facebook. It can be challenging for new joiners to stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of potential customers.

Privacy Concerns: Facebook has faced criticism over its handling of user data and private information. This can make some people hesitant to share their personal information or engage with businesses on the platform, which can make lead generation difficult.

Cost: While Facebook advertising can be an effective way to generate leads, it can also be expensive. Depending on your industry and targeting options, you may need to invest a significant amount of money to see a return on your investment.

Factors to consider when choosing a platform for lead generation

Finding your ideal social media platform to generate leads for your business mostly depends on your business and target audience. Here are some of the factors you’ll want to consider when choosing a platform for lead generation.  

  • Target audience: You should consider which platform your target audience is most active on and tailor your lead generation strategy accordingly. For instance, TikTok may be an ideal lead generation platform for an innovative fashion line, while Facebook is better suited to generate leads for real estate agents.
  • Budget: Paid ads are crucial to generating leads for targeted campaigns, but they can sometimes cost more than expected. Luckily, you can now compare advertising budgets across different platforms and decide where to run your ads. You’ll want to opt for a platform that allows you to reach more audiences within your budget.
  • Content type: Different platforms support different types of content. For example, TikTok is best for short videos and Instagram for images. Choose a platform that allows you to create and share your preferred content effectively.
  • Campaign goals: Consider your goals for lead generation and identify which platform allows them to achieve those goals effectively.


There’s no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing between Facebook and TikTok for lead generation. Both platforms offer unique advantages. 

TikTok’s short-form video format can be an effective way to capture the attention of younger audiences. On the other hand, Facebook offers a larger and more diverse user base, as well as a wider range of advertising options. However, with so many businesses vying for the users’ attention, it can be challenging to stand out on Facebook without a well-defined strategy and budget.

Ultimately, your specific business needs and goals matter the most when choosing between Facebook and TikTok for lead generation. This includes factors such as your target audience, budget, content type, and campaign goals. And while it may make sense to focus on one platform over the other, there is no reason not to consider incorporating both platforms for the best of both worlds. 

If you’re generating leads on social media platforms, here’s another crucial thing you should consider: accessing and managing your leads effectively. At the end of the day, you’ll want to convert your leads into customers, and you probably know managing leads manually is not only tedious, it’s also prone to errors. So why not streamline your lead management process and increase conversion rate by over 300% with Privyr. Get instant lead alerts from your TikTok or Facebook Ads.

Privyr is a mobile-first CRM that helps you instantly access new leads on your smartphone and contact them within seconds. It also manages your whole lead management process and cuts hours of manual work so you can connect with your leads more effectively and convert more of them. Try Privyr for free today.

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A writer from the heart and marketer from the mind, Michael writes to help businesses implement effective sales and marketing strategies.