Why use Privyr for Teams? 🤔 For a start, your team members gain more than just Privyr’s benefits for individual users. Privyr for Teams helps sales managers better manage their team members and sales process. And, it helps to keep the team’s leads, clients, and content organised.
What this looks like on a day to day basis is hours of time saved that would normally be spent assigning leads, rushing to reach out to clients, doing version control with content, and more.
If you manage a sales team or part of a sales team, you may have encountered times when you know that your team is struggling. However, you may not know the best way to help them. Especially if you have a large number of team members and/or a large number of leads! All you know is that your team isn’t hitting their targets.
Or, your team is doing well but you know that they should be getting more sales results. But it’s hard to figure out where the issue is, especially since you have your own tasks to attend to every day.
The good news is that you can address these issues – and easily too!
I know Privyr works for individual salespeople. So, why use Privyr for Teams?
You may already already know that Privyr is a CRM designed to help salespeople manage their leads, clients, content, and sales activities. And it works even if salespeople only work from their phones. This helps them turn more of their leads into clients!
But did you know that Privyr has an additional set of features available for sales teams? These features not only help individual salespeople but also boost the team as a whole.

Here are five reasons why you should use Privyr for Teams to make your team more successful!
1. 0-second lead assignment
We know managers who have spent hours combing through lists of leads, compiling them for each team member, and assigning them. This is tedious work! It also keeps the manager away from all of the other tasks they have to do during the day.
Most importantly, it means that by the time team members receive those leads, their chances of success drop significantly. In general, leads yield the best results when first outreach occurs within 10 to 15 minutes of them submitting their interest. That’s when whatever attracted them to the offering is still fresh in their minds.
Leads yield the best results when first outreach occurs within 10 to 15 minutes of them submitting their interest.
With Privyr, managers can easily create rules to automatically assign leads based on certain criteria such as campaign and client location. This makes it easier to coordinate on leads with a team quickly. It also ensures that a lead is assigned to a team member instantly and automatically!
Here are some (but not all) ways Privyr for Teams users assign leads:
- Assign to Specific Team Member: Allowing all leads from a specific campaign to go to a designated team member
- Round Robin: Assigning leads automatically and evenly, rotating among team members
- Unclaimed (“Fastest Fingers First”): Leads are instantly available in Privyr, and the lead goes to the salesperson who claims it first

You can read more about automatic lead assignment here.
When a team member receives a lead, they’ll get an instant alert. Then, they can reach out to them via WhatsApp, SMS, iMessage, or another popular messaging app in just a few taps with Privyr.
2. Visibility over everyone’s work
Managing a sales team is hard. Often, it involves coordinating leads, clients, sales content, and team members. That’s a lot for one day’s work! And when you have to oversee so many different aspects, it can be difficult to pinpoint where the possible problems are. Or how to help solve them!
Privyr’s Team Dashboard is a feature created exclusively for Privyr for Teams. It makes it easy to view:
- 👥 Assigned Leads
- ✅ Contacted Leads
- ⏱️ Average Response Times
This makes it easy to gauge the progress of your team from a single, easily accessible place. You can also view the progress of individual team members – and how they’re performing against their peers.

This way, if a specific team member or the overall team needs to improve on a part of their work (such as the speed at which they respond to leads), you’ll know it at a glance. That way, you can address any issues more quickly – and get back to attending to leads!
3. Know that everyone is sending the right version of the right content, every time
Salespeople are busy, and it’s easy to miss internal communication. So, if a manager releases a new version of sales content for the team to use, it often takes time for team members to stop sharing the old version of the content. Even if you have sent out communications about the new version!
Further, if there are multiple versions of the same piece of content flying around, it’s easy to mix them up when a team member is trying to quickly contact a lead.
Privyr eliminates the chance for confusion altogether. Privyr for Teams helps keep teams up-to-date with latest scripts, PDF brochures, and other content. When you update your content, this action automatically refreshes everyone else’s content in Privyr to the correct version. This way, everyone on your team knows that they’re sending up-to-date sales content.
4. Personalised branding
Like many teams, you’re probably using a shared batch of content templates. Then, the individual team member needs to fill in certain fields, like their name, before sending that script off to the client. That saves time and effort, but how much more time and effort would your sales team save if they didn’t need to copy-paste or edit that template?
With Privyr, you can create and store all of the sales content for your team within the app. That content will be auto-personalised with the lead’s name, to add a personal touch. This helps build a connection with the lead, who will feel that this content was created especially for them. As a result, the team member will have an easier time moving them further along the sales process.

Additionally, when an individual team member shares that content with a lead, Privyr will apply that individual’s name and contact details to the content, along with the company branding.

This way, team members always know that their leads are receiving the contact details of the right salesperson.
5. See all of your leads in a single system and what happened to them
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a single place you can view all of your online leads instead of toggling between multiple ad dashboards and/or maintaining a master spreadsheet of all leads? 🙏
Good news! Privyr serves as a one-stop shop for all of your online leads. It connects directly with Facebook Lead Ads, Google Forms, websites, and more – so that all of your leads go to a specific place.
Even if a lead submits through multiple channels, Privyr can deduplicate these submissions and make sure that the same lead always gets assigned to the same salesperson. This can help prevent awkward situations where multiple salespeople are in touch with the same lead. 🙌
What happens you need to reassign a lead?
Maybe a salesperson goes on leave, switches teams, or resigns. What happens to their leads?
The biggest problems that result from reassigning leads come from poor handover: lack of context and information that gets communicated to the next salesperson assigned to them.
With Privyr, if a manager needs to reassign that lead, all of the lead’s information stored in Privyr will transfer to the new assignee. This means that teams get a clean and simple transfer of lead details.
As a sales manager, you can keep track of all of these leads and the progress your team members are making with them, all while keeping the leads private to the assigned salesperson only.
Pro Tip💡: Before your team reaches out to contact their leads, encourage them to log the lead’s response to every outreach or follow-up. This helps their record keeping, as well as your own.
It doesn’t have to take too much time or be too detailed. Just have them note the following: Did the lead pick up when your team member called? Did they ask to call back later? Was the number invalid? Or, when your team member messaged, did they get a reply from the lead?
This way, they know what to do the next time they follow up, and you have context for how they’re doing with that lead.
Now you know the reasons. It’s time to see Privyr for Teams for yourself.
Invite a team member to join your team on Privyr to witness how all of Privyr for Teams’ features can benefit you and your team’s success.
When you spend less time assigning leads and have more insights into your team’s activities, you serve as a better leader. What’s more, your team members will also start to see more results in their day-to-day interactions with leads!
Make managing your team, their leads, and your sales content a super smooth and easy experience. Start using Privyr with your team today!