⚡ What if you’re always the fastest person to reply to a lead who needs your product or service – and you beat all of your competitors to get the sale?

💬 What if you could follow up efficiently with all your leads right from your phone?

đŸ”„ What if you had a way to re-engage and convert your old leads, even those who have never replied to your messages before?

If you could do all of the above, you’ll find yourself getting more and more sales. đŸ€‘ And you’ll even create long-lasting relationships where your clients just keep coming back to you to buy, buy, buy.

So what does it take to achieve this? The great news is that you don’t need to spend even more time (that you don’t have) to do tedious, manual follow-up work. Doing more doesn’t guarantee sales success if you’re using the wrong approach.

Instead, this is how the top-performing salespeople and small businesses do it with Privyr Pro:

1. Message new leads quickly and never let a potential client slip through the cracks.

When you can instantly access your leads on your phone, you can quickly message them at the BEST time and turn that conversation into a sales opportunity.

Never wait until you have a backlog of leads to start messaging them. A common mistake when your leads are stored in another system and needs to be manually transferred to your phone.

No matter where you’re generating leads online, you can always find their contacts automatically imported to your Privyr Pro app (and your email). More importantly, you’ll always be ready to jump into conversation with them.

With Privyr Pro, you’re not just limited to viewing and messaging only your 10 most recent contacts. You can automatically store, access, and message unlimited leads, even those from months or years ago.

2. Pay attention to how your leads interact with your sales materials. Even silent leads can be huge sales opportunities.

Pro Privyr users always know the PERFECT time to follow up with leads who are super ready to buy, even if the leads never actually tell them that.

But how? It’s simple – they can track how their leads interact with the content that they sent.

Privyr tells you exactly when and how many times a lead has opened a File or a Page that you sent them.

So even when a lead never responds to your messages, you’ll know the “secret” that they’re actually very interested in your product or service, and they’re actively browsing your content.

Since they’ve “shown” you their interest, it’s the best time to send them a quick follow-up. 😉

Privyr Pro gives you unlimited access in tracking the views for your content. You’re not just limited to viewing the activity of your 10 most recent leads.

3. Give your leads the VIP experience with highly personalised follow-ups, done quickly.

Sending a generic follow-up isn’t going to get you more sales. Pro Privyr users know that leads go through different sales stages before they’re ready to buy.

They follow up in a highly personalised way and do so quickly through Privyr Pro by combining unlimited message templates + enhanced Client Group features.

This way, you can store and remember the small, unique details about each lead that other salespeople might miss, such as their likes or dislikes, their birthday, or even their anniversary.

Use this information to craft the perfect follow-up message that they want to hear and will respond to.

On Privyr Pro, you can create unlimited message templates for every kind of follow-up or touchpoint, and quickly fill in the blanks with key details that are relevant to your leads.

You’ll also have more Client Groups (instead of just 10) so you can organise your leads and clients into different categories. Now you can quickly send them the most effective follow-up based on the category they’re in.

Leave such a good impression on your leads that they can’t resist replying to you and buying from you! đŸ€©

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Shuni spent way too much time on Yahoo Answers as a child. Now she writes content to help people make better use of software and marketing tools.