
We know that many of you love using Privyr to save time and effort by auto-personalising your messages and content with your clients’ names. 📨
So, we’re excited to share that our new update makes it easier than ever to automatically include details about your clients and yourself – without having to manually edit your messages before you send them!
Privyr now lets you use several new variables in your messages, in addition to your client’s name. This helps you save even more time and effort when you send content to your leads and clients. 🚀
Variables inserted into your template will be automatically replaced with the relevant details of your client, the sender (e.g. yourself or a teammate), or the content being sent. No need for you to edit or manually type them out!
Here’s just one example of how that may look:

(Psst 🤫 – if you like this message, feel free to save it directly into your Privyr account. You can edit and use it for your own business.)
Get inspired
With these new variable options, you can easily create many more new detailed message templates that you can send with Privyr in one tap. Here’s some inspiration 🪄✨:
- 📱 Sound more professional: Add your name and your company to templates, either within the message body or at the end of the message as a signature.
- 📱 Confirm your prospect’s details: Want to call your prospect at a certain number or send content to their email? Add a line to your message like “I can give you a call at @clientPhone” or “I’ve sent you the brochure at @clientEmail”
- 📱 Share sales scripts with a team: If you’re using Privyr with a team, you can share a message template that uses @senderName, @senderPhone, or @senderEmail within the body of the message, so that every member of the team can send it without having to replace the script with their own details every time.
Get started ✅
Use Privyr’s new variables in your template messages by tapping the View @variables button whenever you create or edit a message template. This works on both the mobile app or web version of Privyr.
You may also use the new variables in the default share message for Privyr Files and Pages. Simply click on Options > Edit Default Message when viewing a File or Page. Then, tap View @variables.

We hope this helps make messaging your leads a quicker, easier process! Privyr’s new message template variables are available in the Privyr app (v2.15.18) and on web. 🙌
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email us at
You may help us design an even better Privyr! 💌