If you’re a real estate agent, here’s exciting news! The Dubai Property Expo 2024 may be the event you’ve been waiting for, if you’re looking to diversify your portfolio beyond local markets. ​

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So what is the Dubai Property Expo and how do you benefit from it as a real estate agent? 

In this article we discuss the Dubai Property Expo, why you should attend it, and how you can make the most out of it as a property agent.   

So what is the Dubai Property Expo?

The Dubai Property Expo is a real estate event that focuses on the lucrative Dubai real estate market, hosting top real estate developers, investors, and professionals. The expo showcases a broad range of properties, including both off-plan and ready-to-move options with incentives of guaranteed ROI, luxury property listings, and much more.

The event takes place in Dubai every year, but if you can’t make it to Dubai, don’t worry! The expo also has dates in cities around the world.

This can be a great opportunity for Indian property agents to go beyond the local market and tap into the property scene of Dubai. 

Why you should attend the Dubai Property Expo

Dubai Property Expo can help you gain a foothold in the real estate market of Dubai and grow your networks. With this, you can offer a broader range of investment options to your clients. The event may also be a great platform for your growth, learning, and global market entry, impacting your career and business prospects.

Here are few reasons why you should attend Dubai Property Expo 2024: 

Exposure to a vibrant international market 
Dubai’s property market is known for its high returns on investment, impressive innovative projects, and stable growth. The expo not only can serve as a gateway to the real estate market of Dubai but also can give you insights into the market trends, investment opportunities, and the latest in property development.

Networking opportunities
Dubai Property Expo is a meeting point of professionals from various aspects of the real estate industry. It’s a great platform for you to network and build relationships with international developers, investors, and fellow agents. You can eventually build these connections into partnerships and collaborations.

Professional development
The expo is a great place to learn about new investment strategies, marketing techniques, and legal considerations in the property market abroad. It can be a great place to enhance your expertise.

Market expansion 
If you’re looking to help clients interested in investing in Dubai, the expo is an ideal place to gather resources, information, and contacts. You can diversify your portfolio and offer more options to your clients. This will also expand your market reach.

Investment opportunities 
The expo showcases exciting investment opportunities ranging from luxury properties to more budget-friendly housing. With a comprehensive understanding of what’s available, you can better advise your clients on investment decisions – whether they’re looking for high ROI, luxury residencies, or properties that grant residency.

Knowledge of legal and regulatory frameworks
The Dubai real estate market operates within a regulatory framework to ensure protection and market stability for investors. You’ll be able to learn about these frameworks firsthand at the expo. This knowledge will help you guide your clients through the investment process more smoothly.

Tips for Better Networking at the Expo

You can pull off effective networking at the Dubai Property Expo with the right strategic approach. Here are some suggestions to maximise your opportunities at these events:

Before the event

It’s always good to identify key people and companies you want to connect with in advance. Therefore, consider researching the list of exhibitors and attendees. You may also want to reach out to these individuals beforehand to schedule meetings during the event. More importantly, don’t forget to prepare a short, effective introduction that clearly communicates your profile and expertise.

During the event 

Make sure you have enough business cards to distribute. However, don’t just hand out your cards to anyone; have a conversation first to make each exchange meaningful. When you receive a card, write a note to remember what you talked about.

Panel discussions can be excellent opportunities to get noticed. Ask insightful questions and share knowledgeable comments to showcase your genuine interest. 

Post-event activities

After the event, promptly follow up with the contacts you made. Personalise each communication by mentioning specific details from your conversation to help them remember you. Share your insights and experiences on social media using the event’s hashtags to attract attention from attendees and people following the event online.

Next, use a CRM to keep track of your interactions. This will help you streamline your processes, allowing you to manage follow-ups more effectively. 

Many expos have their own mobile apps or social media pages for networking. Be active on these platforms to connect with attendees and schedule meetups. Also, share content online. This can include property listings, market analysis reports, or your portfolio. 

Instead of focusing solely on selling, aim to be a valuable resource to your contacts. You also bring a valuable perspective from your experience in real estate! Share your knowledge of the market, offer insights, and provide solutions to their needs. This approach will help you build trust and establish long-term relationships.

Many deals and partnerships are formed outside the official event schedule. Attend social gatherings, dinners, and informal meetups – or even host one if you can. These settings can provide a more relaxed environment for meaningful conversations.

How to use Privyr to take your networking and sales to the next level

Successful networking isn’t about a one-time interaction. Meaningful, long-term partnerships emerge from multiple rounds of communication. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out communication strategy with new contacts. 

The Dubai Property Expo is a great event for networking with international real estate professionals and investors. However, the success of your networking efforts largely depend on how you strategise your subsequent follow-ups and communications. But managing your business interactions manually across multiple tools is inefficient and hard to keep up with. So what’s the solution?  

Privyr is a tool designed to effectively manage your business communications and sales on-the-go from the comfort of your smartphone. It seamlessly integrates with lead sources like Facebook, websites, and Google Ads as well as popular messaging apps such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or SMS. This allows you to automatically import your contacts and communicate with them through their preferred channels with just a few taps, saving you time and making your process much more effective.  

Here’s how to set up Privyr on your smartphone to bolster your business communication: 

Step 1. Create your Privyr account
Visit Privyr’s website and click Sign Up. Privyr offers a free plan which allows you to download unlimited leads from lead sources. Opt for a 14-day free trial if you want to leave yourself room to discover the possibilities of the tool.  

Step 2. Install Privyr App on your smartphone
Once you’ve created your account, install the app on your mobile device. Privyr is available on both App Store and Playstore. 

Step 3. Import your contacts
In the app, tap on Account and select Integrations

Privyr Lead Sources Integration

You’ll now see two options: Lead Sources and Import/Export Clients. Tap on the Import/Export Clients tab. Next, tap on Import Clients from CSV and upload your spreadsheet that has the contact details for your new connections you brought in from the Dubai Property Expo.  

You can now manage your business communication from a single place. The tool helps you manage your business communications with ease. You can reach out to your contacts via messaging apps within a few taps. But wait, there’s more! The tool also allows you to distribute your contacts across your team and automatically creates a timely follow-up schedule so you don’t miss out on important interactions.

Privyr is also a tool designed to significantly boost your sales. If you’re generating real estate leads online, here’s how to use Privyr to streamline your sales process and convert more leads:  

Go to Integrations

After you’ve created your Privyr account and downloaded the app on your smartphone, tap on Account and select integrations. 

Privyr Lead Sources Integration

Integrate your lead source(s)

Under the lead sources tab, find and select your lead source. For instance if you’re generating leads from your WordPress website, select WordPress Websites.

You’ll be redirected to your lead source page. Login if necessary and accept Privyr’s settings. You’ve now integrated Privyr with your lead source. Your new leads will be automatically synced to your smartphone in real time, and you’ll be able to reach out to them with just a few taps.  

To know more about Privyr integrations, refer to this detailed guide

We hope this post helps you take your real estate business to the next level.

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A writer from the heart and marketer from the mind, Michael writes to help businesses implement effective sales and marketing strategies.