介绍你到 New Futura 银峰 - 亲爱的顾客

New Futura 银峰

您好! 亲爱的顾客,

我很高兴与您分享 New Futura 银峰。 如果您有任何疑问,请随时与我联系 - 谢谢!


Tan Choon Guan (Peter)

Savills Residential Pte Ltd

+65 9489 6105

CEA: R007652C

New Futura 银峰

银峰,别具一格的阔绰私宅,毗邻全球最著名的购物街之一,乌节路而建。秉承城市发展 集团的严格作风精心筑就,由屡获奖项的建筑师 Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) 设计。

曲线型的36层双子塔建筑注定将成为新加坡永垂不朽的地标,它不只是战利品,更是 家族投资中的一颗明珠。私享专权,仅为124位卓越人士量身定制,纵情享受,代代相传

9区. Leonie Hill
2017年完成 (永久产权)
单位类型 户型面积约 (平方尺) 单位数
二房 1,098 - 1,367 28
三房 1,830 54
四房 2,250 - 2,691 40
顶层公寓 7,836 2
A bit about myself
Tan Choon Guan (Peter)

I am Peter Tan, Your Trusted Real Estate Agent In Savills Residential Pte Ltd. I joined the industry since 1995. I have assisted numerous buyers ,sellers , investors in their transactions of their properties in Singapore. will provides you the real time information and advice to you to your whole process in your properties search & transaction. Do give ma a call whenever you need my assistant.

Savills Residential Pte Ltd
CEA: R007652C
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